
Saturday, July 18, 2015

How to find and get a millionaire mentor to help you achieve financial wealth.

Millionaire Mentor
One of the most crucial steps in ones journey to becoming a millionaire is finding a millionaire mentor to help you get your perspective right and actually teach you how to become a millionaire. If you weren't raised around millionaires, there's a great chance you don't know where to start when it comes to becoming a millionaire. But how do you find a millionaire mentor? How can you possibly manage to convince a millionaire to spend his time and information on you, for your own personal accomplishments towards wealth? Why would a millionaire even want to help you achieve financial wealth? Well, if these questions resonate with you, this post will help you on your journey.

5 steps to help you find a millionaire mentor

1. Your Network is your Net worth.

I am not saying to drop all of your loser friends today. You want to evaluate the 5 people you spend the most time with, take their income find out the average and you will see what your average income will be. Your environment is going to be the key to your success. It is really true if you are spending most of your time with affluent people it is bound to rub off on you. The Law of Attraction states “Like Attracts Like” If you hanging around the negative or broke people you will also become that. Keep in mind you always want to be good to your friends no matter where they are in life, see the good in them no matter what. If you want to meet a millionaire and get mentored by one it is more like you will meet one if you change your environment of people you hang out with the most.

2. The More you LEARN the more you EARN.

Being open to learn makes you more attractive to millionaires. If you are willing to be of service to others and do whatever it takes you will earn more money. I love learning and reading. Read about the past millionaires, ceo’s of high end companies that you admire. There is no secrets to success, someone else already wrote about anything and every subject you ever want to learn or become an expert about. Millionaires admire people who humble and are willing to go the extra mile.

3. Interview people you would like to more like.

People love to talk about themselves. No matter who you are when you put your interests in other people just for the pure intention of knowing more about them. Most people will be honoured to share with you want they had gone through to get to where they are today. My intention is interview more millionaires here on I think it is very important to find the similarities in characteristics and learn from other people’s trials to get to where you want to go.

4. Invest in yourself. Pay for Mentorship.

One way to get a Millionaire to mentor you is to pay them. Some mentors and coaches love to teach people and are in the business of helping you stay accountable or helping you discover things that you can’t see. Millionaires have coaches for everything, relationships, business, physical trainers etc… If you want to get in shape you want to find a coach who emulates the body that you want. You obviously don’t want to be coached my someone who is 400 lbs if you are trying to lean up and get down to 140 lbs. Investing in trainer will help you get your head in the game and play bigger. If you have nothing to lose than you will not work as hard. Unfortunately it is true people are motivated towards pain than pleasure.

5. Share Your Dreams.

Share it with others and people will help you manifest what you want. If you want to be a doctor, the positive people around you will hold that energy for you and see you finishing school. I want to be a Millionaires, so every where I go now people say “Hey Millionaires, how are you?” It feels really good when people see you as who you want to be. Share with as many positive people you know. I say positive because there are people even family that don’t have the capability to hold that space for you. Everyone has haters even the most successful people in the world do. It is bad enough that you can be your own worse critic as well. Don’t make yourself or others wrong just keep holding on to your vision and it will manifest into your reality. If you have to write it down every day or post up pictures of your vision on your vision board. Visualising for me is the number one thing that helps me to keep holding on to my vision of freedom and the options this journey is taking me to becoming a Millionaires.

!For 10 more tips on becoming a millionaire click here!

!For the 10 step guide to using the law of attraction to manifest more wealth in your life click here!

The Millionaire Switch program

Learn top millionaire secrets using the millionaire switch

Created by Jason Capital, a sought-after dating and success coach for men, “The Millionaire Switch” for Men is a self-help video program designed to activate a certain switch in your brain, so you can achieve financial success in less than a year by following simple yet powerful steps. More specifically, Jason explains that in order to get the wealth you’ve been dreaming of there are three crucial steps you should follow:

  • 1st step: Suspend whatever limiting beliefs you have in your mind to open opportunities and the door to financial possibility.

  • 2nd step: The part where you flip “The Millionaire Switch”.

  • 3rd step: This is where you’ll make some changes in your beliefs, standards, and approaches, as well as fixing your attention on the end than the means and looking inside yourself for that breakthrough in your financial life.

Jason further claims that the methods you’re going to learn inside Millionaire Switch program are the same methods self-made billionaires, like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Richard Branson, used to create their multi-billion wealth.

In a nutshell, here are some of the things that Jason Capital claims you can expect to gain from his “Millionaire Switch” program:
  • The opportunities and other things you need will unexpectedly begin to materialize.
  • You will remain calm and collected whenever you’re faced with any kind of problem in your life.
  • You’ll begin to love your life, regardless of the money you’re making, and reignite the same passion that drove men to greatness.
  • You’ll stop waiting for life to happen and intentionally start creating the life you’ve always wanted.
  • Also, you’ll become more confident and comfortable with the idea of searching for that next big thing in your life.
  • Your days of being shy or introvert will end because you’re going to be the VIP in any social gatherings without you even consciously trying, and much more.
It is also important to note that aside from getting the main Millionaire Switch module, Jason Capital also gives you as a bonus the opportunity to join his Elite Action-Taker Academy, where you’ll meet and learn alongside with other highly successful men, for two weeks.

!Click here to directly access The Millionaire Switch Now!

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